I set up a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle on my dining room table a couple of weeks ago. When I get overwhelmed with what is outside of my control during these tough times, I turn to it for a break. I set the timer for 15-20 minutes and finding only a few pieces that fit, soothes me. I find it immensely satisfying to get a section completed. This ‘Country Life‘ puzzle is wonderfully within my control. There’s a picture on the box to follow as a guide and the frame reassures me that there’s a beginning, middle and end. It’s important for me to have these breaks from the reality of being told to stay inside and not see people.

really miss being with people, so I am reaching out in other ways. Technology helps me have virtual visits with friends and family. I hosted a online Birthday Party for a friend and was able to invite their family from other provinces. Many out of town friends could also join us, which was a bonus in this time of isolation. I baked and delivered a cake in a car decorated with streamers and a Happy Birthday sign! Good fun for these times of physical distancing!

We have moved Spoken Lives online and using webinars to bring people together. Social cohesion is more important now, than ever. Our stories will keep us connected. Tickets are pay what you can as we know that each person has been impacted differently. Please join us if you can? You will hear 4 stories from wonderful women! Monday, May 25th is our next one. Tuesday, May 12 is our Spanish chapter (2 stories shared in English and 2 in Spanish) And, we’re now able to invite international speakers and guests. 

I do need to work on controlling my pre-worrying. What does my future hold? I have no idea! There’s no picture as a guide. No framework (like my puzzle) to let me know if we’re in the beginning, middle or end. We’re each doing the best we can in this ‘Grand Pause’. I keep my eyes opened for the silver linings!  

My physical, emotional and mental health are my top priorities. I wrote a list of what nurtures me and hung it up to make it easy to review when I’m feeling low. When I’m stressed, I scan the list to figure out what I need, right now. Will it help to write out my thoughts in my journal? Do I need to stretch or take my daily walk? When will I meditate, today? Will a bubble bath comfort me? Chocolate? Is it time to make tea and call a friend? Or, wine? I’ve reached out to people I’ve lost track of and it’s been a delight to reconnect! An important piece to finding peace is to focus on the present. I use the W.I.N Principle (What’s Important Now?) and do my best to take good care of myself. Please make your own list and put yourself first when you need it?

My mom used to say “A sorrow shared is cut in half. A joy shared is doubled.” I reach out to friends when I feel the need for connection. They ‘get’ what I’m going through. We’re in this together. Thank goodness for a circle of friends. Sending gratitude to each one of you in our Spoken Lives community. Take good care of yourselves and each other. As that old AT & T ad use to say, Reach Out and Touch Someone. I’m clearly dating myself, as the ad was released in 1987! Phones were still plugged into the kitchen wall (remember those curly cords?). I’m so grateful that this pandemic didn’t happen back then! There would have been no internet or virtual visits! Yikes! Counting my blessings, today! 

Kindness is the best route in this marathon…

Tips for you

Is there a special baby (birth – 36 months) that you would like to become closer to right now? During this pandemic panic, we don’t have to contaminate each other. There are valuable ideas and insights in this book that Elizabeth wrote when she wanted to bond with her (long distance) granddaughter. Great ideas to try locally while practising physical distancing or use internationally. Download this book from Amazon onto your computer or Kindle. 

Next up! Monday, May 25th (pay what you can) Add a spring to your step with these stories!

Start time – 7:00 pm.

Details and tickets for Spoken Lives Online: on Monday, May 25th are now available on Eventbrite. Elizabeth Verwey curated and hosts this event. Looking forward to seeing you soon! New 2 hour format. Hear some great stories in the comfort of your own home.

Spanish Online! On Tuesday, May 12th Start time: 7:00 pm

Tickets for Spoken Lives: Historias Mujeres Comparten on Tuesday, May 12th are now available on Eventbrite. Pay what you can tickets. Irma Paredes curated and will host this event. We can hardly wait to share it with you! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Lifestyle Workshops, by Spoken Lives: Thursday, September 24th

Letting Go of Fears

Information coming soon

Don't Be Shy


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