Happy Summer!
Yes – June delivers our official start to summer. In Ontario, the weather has delivered it this weekend.
Happy PRIDE!
There’s so much to celebrate. Steady progress for a more inclusive society. Sending a virtual hug to all our LGTBQIA2S+ (an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify).
And there are shadows, elsewhere. It’s National Indigenous History Month. The insults continue to emerge about what the Catholic Church did while operating Residential Schools. The unthinkable came to light recently when we learned about 215 children in unmarked graves at one school. I dread news of the other 138 locations. This truly is unfathomable.
June is also Iced Tea month. Refreshing news. This June is a strange month as we wait for re-opening rules to be loosened. How will you celebrate or mark summer if lockdown continues in your region? Or will you choose to emerge slowly? Either way, our second COVID summer has arrived. How will you honour summer? I bought some of my favourite ice cream (Cherry Garcia) last night as a nod to summer and plan to plant some herbs this weekend to enjoy over the next few months. I washed the windows to let more sun into my life.
In my last post, I asked what you are doing that helps you get through this time and I’ll share a few of the submissions here.
Lynne Patterson wrote: “I joined a Rotary Club and have been able to be involved with several projects already.”
Roberta Tanman replied: “I listen to the app called ‘Calm’ each morning before I start my day. You can download it from the Apple store.”
Julie Starr wrote: “It’s been temporary for a long time, now. I find the joy. Whatever that means, that day. Allowing myself to feel down for a bit….lying on floor, then get myself up with some productive work for business or my grandkids.”
Lynn McNally reported: “On a Sunday morning, I decided to take myself off ‘In search of Wonder’ only to find the Fairy Garden on Fulton Avenue and this sign caught my eye. It was amazing how many things I saw that morning. Such an affirmation.”
One more idea to add. I wrote down all the things I like to do on slips of paper and put them in a jar. When I’m feeling low, I choose one to try to lift my mood. It’s a relief to not have to come up with something when I’m feeling down. In my jar, I have: phone a friend, journal about my feelings, watch puppy videos, stretch, watch laughing baby videos, take a walk, dance to my favourite tunes, take a bubble bath, count my blessings, nap, surprise a friend, do something for a neighbour. If I don’t like what I pull out first, I put it back and pick another one. Eventually, I see one that suits me on that day.
Remember that self care is more important than ever. This feels like a marathon. I’m cheering you on! Please let me know if any of these ideas help you get through the last leg of this journey?
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