I just returned from a trip to British Columbia and it was such a thrill to see the cherry blossoms and daffodils in March! It was exciting to take walks in nature in milder temperatures. There were so many more chances to be outside out west and breath the fresh air and celebrate spring. Change is in the air. We will each see that in our cities and towns, soon.

I’m embracing life after the deep freeze of winter, and I love the way it feels. I welcome most seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall (my favourite). I’m not a big fan of Winter. Yet, it’s all change. Why don’t I welcome change in my life like I do in the seasons? I can be reluctant. There are new developments in Spring and Summer and they are all about growth.

There’s new growth and change for me this spring. I’m creating a learning platform called Grow at Your Pace and the first course I will post (in May) is Your Applause Academy. I need to show others how they can Start, Grow and Earn from their very own speaker series.

I’ve grown and have learned so much from creating and curating Spoken Lives. I was born a mentor. I have limited time each day as I also mentor business owners every day about how to grow other businesses. It’s time to pass along the knowledge I’ve learned over the last 7 years, developing my passion project.

There are other courses that will be posted in 2022. I will create one about ‘Letting Go of Fears’ and I’m really excited about the ripple effect this series will have. Another course I plan to share at low cost is ‘Establish a Home for Someone You Love (or a stranger)’. I’ve done this 5 times (for a refugee and her son, new immigrants, and other people who needed a leg up), over 20 years and it’s been a game changer for them. I’ve learned a ton about how to streamline the process and make it fun for everyone.  I’ve also invited guests to develop specific courses for the Grow at Your Pace platform.

Please sign up to for the Grow at Your Pace newsletter to hear about our new developments?  Or tell a friend about this new learning platform?  Subscribe to Course News. Thank you.

I’m excited about our next Spoken Lives event on May 31st. We have discovered some unique stories that are important for you to hear.

After our event on May 31st Spoken Lives will need to pause until further notice. Just a pause. I’m not able to let go of this passion project, yet. We may host another ‘Silver Linings Gala’ to celebrate hosting over 200 speakers over 7 years. We may do something else. I’m just not certain, yet. I will let you know as soon as I know, through this newsletter.

Stay in touch to find out? I will recommend other speaker series that you may enjoy while I focus on launching and managing Grow at Your Pace. I will still send out my ‘Lingering Thoughts’ newsletter to you.

Let me know about the new growth in your life. It’s spring. Anything is possible! New buds burst forth to create a garden where snow used to lie. Nurture your own new growth in any way you can. Tell a friend or join a group or community who are interested in what you want to do or how you want to grow. Winter is only 3 seasons away. Let’s get growing!

Photo credit Elizabeth Verwey

Don't Be Shy


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