Our Silver Linings Gala was a very successful celebration! During the reception, everyone glowed in the beautiful space filled with live music and laughter. Janice Waugh, Marney Winn, Sandra Brunner and Deb McGrath shared their stories and we celebrated honesty and resiliency. As Mr. Rogers said, “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable”. We talked about life challenges and the lessons wrapped up in those gifts. We celebrated what’s possible, when our arms are linked. The Spoken Lives community is a special group of people.
The Dream Team who made it happen (pictured above) all worked hard on creating a beautiful night for our Spoken Lives community. Behind us is the poster with almost 100 speakers represented.
In total, we raised over $1,800. for charity and then, an audience member surprized me by presenting a most beautiful quilt! It’s a wonderful gift! I often say that I want to wrap Canada in a patchwork of women’s stories, and now Adrienne Winterhelt has inspired me to keep going.
The Silver Linings Gala was the best thing that happened for me in 2019. It was a dream come true! Here I am on the day after, taking a much needed rest with my lovely quilt!
2020 Vision…
We have exciting plans for 2020! There’s a subscription for the four events in Toronto Central. Our tickets always sell out, so it’s a great way to secure your seat. We will have four events at this location, so a subscription will be $120. (+ HST). Contact Elizabeth to pay directly and save the extra fees.
Single tickets for Toronto Central on Monday, January 27th are now available on Eventbrite. We’re piloting a new segment to wrap up our evening. It’s called “Dreams Come True”. We can hardly wait to share it with you! Looking forward to it!
Our west end location will begin on Tuesday, January 21st. We’re waiting to secure our full line up before we put those tickets online, but they will be up soon. Keep an eye on our Facebook page or Instagram. Announcements will be posted asap.
Our Spanish location kicks off in February, too! Two speakers will speak in Spanish and two will speak in English. All the speakers will be connected with the Hispanic | Latin-american community. This location will be an important part of our Spoken Lives community!
We are actively seeking someone in the Francophone community to begin a location where people can attend to hear stories in the French language.
Our next regular newsletter is planned for January 2nd. Please ensure that you check our website to be in the loop on upcoming events? Three events are planned in Toronto for January 2020. We look forward to seeing you, soon!
Don't Be Shy
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